Call for Applications under Private Sponsorship

Call for Applications under Private Sponsorship

This is to inform the general public, and all qualified potential clients/students, that there are still vacancies in the following postgraduate and undergraduate programmes for the Academic Year 2020/2021 under private sponsorship. Receiving applications for private sponsorship in the programmes indicated below has been extended to September 2020.

School/Faculty/Institute & Academic Programmes code Duration Intake Study time
Master of Public Health MPH 2years August Weekend
Bachelor of Nursing Science – (Completion/Diploma Entry) KND 3years August Weekend
Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (Direct & Diploma Entry) KHS 3years August Fulltime
Diploma in Anaesthesia (Diploma Entry) ANK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Health Services Management (Certificate/Diploma/Degree Entry) HSK 1year August Weekend
Master of Arts in Educational Management EDM 2years August Weekend/Holiday
Bachelor of Science with Education (Direct Entry – Fulltime)
1.     Physical (physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer education) KEP 3years August Fulltime
2.     Biological (biology, chemistry) KEB 3years August Fulltime
3.     Economics (economics, mathematics, geography) KSE 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Science with Education (Diploma entry – Holiday) 3years August Holiday
1.     Biological (biology, chemistry) KEB
2.     Physical (physics, mathematics, chemistry) KEP
Bachelor of Arts with Education (with any two of: History, Religious Studies, English Language Studies, Literature in English, French, Kiswahili, Runyakitara, Geography, Economics) KED 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Education – Secondary (diploma entry: all subjects) BES 3years August Holiday
Bachelor of Education – Primary (Diploma Entry) BEP 2years August Holiday
Diploma in Education – Primary (G.III Certificate Entry) EDK 2years August Holiday
Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources MEN 2years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Diploma or Direct Entry) KSA 4years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Diploma or Direct Entry) KES 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Agriculture and Land Use Management (Diploma or Direct Entry) KLM 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Agribusiness (Diploma or Direct Entry) KAG 3years August Fulltime
Diploma in Environment Science (Certificate or Direct Entry) ESK 2years August Fulltime
Higher Education Bridging Certificate (with any combinable two of: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, economics, geography) HBC 1year August Fulltime
Master of Information Science MIS 2years August Weekend
Bachelor of Information Technology (Diploma or Direct Entry) KIT 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Computer Science  (Diploma or Direct Entry) KCS 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Diploma or Direct Entry) KLS 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Records and Information Management (Diploma or Direct Entry) KRM 3years August Fulltime
Diploma in Medical Records Management (Certificate or Direct Entry) MRK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Records Management (Certificate or Direct Entry) RMK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Library and Information Science (Certificate or Direct Entry) LSK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Computer Science  (Certificate or Direct Entry) CSK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Information Technology (Certificate or Direct Entry) ITK 2years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Applied Design and Fine Art (Diploma or Direct Entry) KDA 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Mechanical  Engineering (Diploma or Direct Entry) KME 4years August Fulltime
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry) MEK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry) CEK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry) EEK 2years August Fulltime
Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management MPM 2years August Weekend
Master of  Business Administration (with Options:  Human Resource  Management; Accounting; Procurement; Finance and Banking; Management) MBA 2years August Weekend
Master of Arts in Human Resource Management MRM 2years August Weekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management PPM 1year August Weekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management HRM 1year August Weekend
Bachelor of Business Administration (with Options:  Accounting; Marketing; Banking) (Diploma or Direct Entry) KBA 3years August Fulltime/ weekend
Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management  (Diploma or Direct Entry) KPL 3years August Fulltime/ weekend
Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Direct Entry) KEC 3years August Fulltime
Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality  (Diploma or Direct Entry) KTH 3years August Fulltime
Diploma in Business Administration and Management  (Certificate or Direct Entry) BAK 2years August Fulltime/ weekend
Diploma in Tourism (Certificate or Direct Entry) THK 2years August Fulltime
Diploma in Hotel Management (Certificate or Direct Entry) HMK 2years August Fulltime
Master of Arts in Public Administration & Management MPA 2years August Weekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management PAM 1Year August Weekend
Bachelor of Public Administration and Management (Diploma or Direct Entry) KPA 3years August Fulltime/ weekend
Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (Diploma or Direct Entry) KSW 3years August Fulltime/ weekend
Diploma in Social Work and Social Administration (Certificate or Direct Entry) SWK 2years August Fulltime/ weekend
Diploma in Public Administration and Management (Certificate or Direct Entry) PAK 2years August Fulltime/ weekend

Applicants shall:

  • Pay a non-refundable application fee of Shs.50,000/= at any bank using a Zeepay Reference number generated from AIMS or via
  • For applicants who can obtain a physical application form:
    1. Complete it
    2. Attach photocopies of academic documents to the completed application form
    3. Return the applications to any of the following collection points:
      • Kabale University Liaison Office, 3rd Floor, REEV House, Bombo Rd, Opposite (former) GAPCO Service Station, Wandegeya, Kampala
      • Kabale University Office, Rukungiri District Education Office, Rukungiri Municipality
      • Kabale University, Kikungiri Campus, Kabale Municipality
  • For applicants who cannot obtain forms and/or deliver the applications physically:

Download the application form from here, complete the form, scan it along with your academic documents and e-mail the scanned copies to, or post the applications to Admissions Office, Kabale University, P.O. Box 317, Kabale, Uganda

For applicants who can apply Online:

  • Open any browser (e.g.: firefox, google chrome) – in the address/search bar, type: and search
  • Click Sign up to create an application account (i.e.: set a username and password)
  • Thereafter, log in and click Apply now
  • Scroll through to choose the Entry Scheme and click Apply now again
  • After filling in the online form, click Submit
  • To pay the application fee, click Pay for Form to generate the Zeepay Reference Number. Present the Zeepay number to any bank or bank agent and pay 50,000= plus a bank charge.
  • If you are not a direct entry applicant: after the online application, print the online form, attach certified copies of academic and professional documents, and deliver/send them to any of the university offices. If you cannot send/deliver them, scan the form along with UCE results slip, UACE Results slip, Diploma Transcript, and application fee deposit slip, and send to

For more information, contact: (+256) 782 860 259/704583059, or

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Comments (4)

  • Fetaru Evalyn Reply

    Good one

    February 14, 2023 at 2:25 pm
    • Kizito Reply

      Are applications for private sponsorship accepted yet!?

      March 10, 2023 at 2:53 pm
      • Esther Ayebazibwe Reply

        Yes please, you can apply either online (, or through the Academic Registrar’s office at the main campus, or through our offices countrywide. Thank you so much.

        March 24, 2023 at 12:46 pm

    Thumbs up team ICT and Communications/ Branding departments. Looking at the recent pictures of the world Social work day held at Kabale University, I have learnt the best position to stand so to be visible in a picture. Next time I will make it a point.
    Let me request the concerned to update the year of intake to match the time we are in. Thank you

    March 29, 2023 at 3:06 pm

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