
The Informer: MoE appoints Kakuru & Prof. Augustus as gov’t representatives on Kabale University Council

The Ministry of Education and Sports has appointed Hon Adson Kakuru and Prof Augustus Niwagaba, as government representatives at Kabale University Council. Hon Kakuru is a senior politician and former Senior Presidential Advisor In-charge of Wetlands Restoration, while Prof Niwagaba is a team leader of the international project for Economic management in sub-Saharan Africa among other...

Professor Augustus Nuwagaba and Mr. Adison Kakuru join Kabale University Council

On 27th September 2021, the Kabale University Council welcomed new members. In this particular session held at Kikungiri hill, the new members took the oath. These include the University Bursar, Mr. Gad Twesigye and his Deputy Mr. Michael Osinde. The other two external members who are representatives of the government are Prof. Augustus Nuwagaba and...

Kabale University and NEMA plan to collaborate on education for sustainable development

Today, Kabale University hosted a team from the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). A selected team of the University officials together with the NEMA team discussed possible collaboration in key areas of mutual interest. This visit was a follow-up by NEMA from an earlier visit in 2017 to KAB.  In/ a day-long working engagement, the...

Call for applications 2021/2022 (September intake)

The Academic Registrar, Kabale University, invites applications for admission to the following postgraduate and undergraduate programmes for the Year 2021/2022 (September intake) under a private sponsorship scheme. Academic Programmes on Offer at Kabale University, 2021/2022 School/Faculty/Institute & Academic Programmes Program code Duration Intake Study time SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Master of Medicine: Paediatrics and Child health MMED:Pae 3years August Fulltime Master of Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynaecology MMED:Obs 3years August Fulltime Master of Public...

Kabale University Manufactures Detergent in an effort to fight COVID-19

Kabale University has today launched a detergent called KABSAFE Liquid Soap in order to use it in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Speaking today at the function of launching this detergent at Kabale University premises, Dr. Damian Kajunguri the (Dean-Faculty of science) said that over 7000litres of KABSAFE have been made as a...

Notice For Bidding and Pre-Qualification FYs: 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024

Kabale University is in the process of soliciting service providers for FY: 2021-2022/2022-2023/2023-2024. Applications are invited from competent firms and individuals for Pre-qualification and award of frame work contracts for the supply of goods, services and works list below; Items For Pre Qualification: Lot A: Supplies KABA307/SUPLS/20-21/001 General Office Stationery and small office Equipment KABA307/SUPLS/20-21/002 Computers, Photocopiers,...

Bridging theory-practice GAP: Department of Tourism and Hospitality

At Kabale University, we always aim at balancing practice and theory. In furtherance of the same, our Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management organised a one day demonstration in June. It was organised on campus as an outdoor leadership skill training camp. This was a practical exposer for the students in the department. Several outdoor camping...

Transforming Communities through community based interventions.

As part of the community engagement mandate of Kabale University, the Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art (FETADFA) is supporting two (2) vulnerable families within the neighboring community by providing them with 4,000 litre capacity rainwater harvesting tanks. It has been realized that some urban people suffer lack of access to safe...

Reopening for Finalist and Postgraduate Medical Students (Academic Year 2020/2021)

The government has allowed the reopening of Medical and Health Training Institutions starting with the Finalist and Postgraduate Students. The reporting date is Friday, 13th August, 2021. In this regard, the following categories of students are expected to report to the University on the stated date. Postgraduate Classes: Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) Master of Medicine (Obstetrics and...