
A Tribute to our Colleague, Mentor and Friend, Associate Professor Christopher Zigira

By John Michael Edoru Quality Assurance Unit, Kabale University I am greatly humbled to write this tribute to Associate Professor Christopher Zigira — a friend, colleague, teacher, scholar, educational administrator, Dean of Education, husband, father, mentor, counsel, and advocate to name a few attributes. In whatever role we knew him, from whatever vantage point, he stood apart...

Launching the brown bag seminars at Kabale University

Members of the Research and Publications Steering Committee together with Prof. Twesigomwe, DVC – AA, (2nd right) The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences launched the Brown Bag Seminars. These seminars are intended to promote research within the University. In order to broaden the research concept within the Faculty, this idea was floated and adopted by...

Kabale University Offers Career Guidance to Secondary Schools in Eastern Uganda

Kabale University offers career guidance to Secondary Schools as part our Corporate Social Responsibility. This November 2018, we were able to offer this service to schools in the Eastern Part of Uganda. Some Secondary Schools in the districts of Busia, Tororo, Mbale, Soroti, Serere and Ngora benefited from this program. Dr. Francis Akena, Dr.Marus Eton, Dr.Sarah...

Promoting intangible cultural heritage in Institutions of higher learning in Uganda

Kabale University hosted a public lecture on intangible cultural heritage. This was in partnership with Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU), a project supported by UNESCO. This project is being run in four Universities in Uganda, Kabale University inclusive. Kabale University as a participating institution had the Public Lecture on 2nd and 21st of November...

Semester One 2018/19 Exam Timetable

The Academic Registrar's Office, Kabale University informs all students and staff that End of Semester One 2018/2019 Examinations begin on 23rd November 2018. Students are advised as follows: Morning Examinations begin at 9:00 AM, Afternoon exams begin at 2:00 PM To check on the room allocation charts to know where you are supposed to sit for...

Call for Applications 2019 (Feb Intake)

The Academic Registrar, Kabale University, invites applications from qualified applicants for admission under Private Sponsorship scheme for the 2018/2019 February Intake in the following degree and diploma programmes: Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (MEK) Diploma in Civil Engineering (BEK)  Diploma in Electrical Engineering (EEK)  Faculty of Education Master of Arts in Educational Management...

Community outreach at Kisoro District Hospital

On Saturday 3rd November, 2018, the Department of Social Works and Social Administration carried out an outreach programme with Kisoro District hospital. The aim of the outreach was to work with patients and their families in need of psycho-social help and to assess the psycho-social functioning of patients and families and intervene as it may...

Vice-Chancellor’s Graduation Speech 2018

Read Professor Joy C Kwesiga's (Vice-Chancellor of Kabale University) speech which was given at the third (3rd) Graduation Ceremony of Kabale University as a Public University. Date: 26th October 2018 On behalf of the Kabale University community, I welcome you all to the 3rd Graduation Ceremony since Kabale University attained Public Status. We once again welcome our Chancellor,...