
Written Interviews For Shortlisted Candidates

The Office of the University Secretary, Kabale University with pleasure invites the shortlisted candidates for written interviews scheduled to take place on Monday 28th October 2019, 9:00 AM at Kabale University main Campus. ASSISTANT LECTURER – MICROBIOLOGY Abdul Walusansa Bwanika Richard Esther Nyobendo Moraa Francis Orishaba Hasifa Nanyingi Irene Mukenya Mutuku Julius Tibyangye Katongole Paul ...

Final graduation list released

The Office of the Academic Registrar has released the Final List of the 4th graduation ceremony of Kabale University as a Public University scheduled for 25th October 2019 at Kikungiri campus. Please check for your names and confirm with the Academic Registrar‘s office in case of any queries.

University Management meeting with Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design & Fine Art

On Wednesday 16th October 2019, a Team of Management Members led by the Vice Chancellor Kabale University, Professor Joy C. Kwesiga, held a meeting with Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art at Nyabikoni Campus (FETDFA). The purpose of the meeting was to deliberate on matters concerning staffing and development of the Faculty....

Bakonzo communal work at Kabale University & Mwanjari market.

As Kabale University prepares to hold its 4th graduation as a Public Institution on 25th October 2019, The Bakonzo community of Kabale University under their umbrella organisations: RUSAKA(Rwenzori United Students Association in Kabale) and KUTHI FAMILY ASSOCIATION once again carried out a community cleaning exercise at the main campus and Mwanjari market  on 5th October...

ISACA Community Day

The Academic Advocate for ISACA Student Group of Kabale University (ISGKAB), Mr. Nkamwesiga Nicholas, CISA, participated in the ISACA CommunITyDay organised  ISACA International &  ISACAKampalaChapter at Naguru Primary School, Katali on 5th October 2019. The outreach demonstrated the values of: People, Service & Purpose and contributed a number of items like charts, dictionaries, bookshelves and new...

Re-Advertisement for the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration

Kabale University (KAB) is one of the Public Universities of Uganda.  KAB enjoys the unique status of being the first university of its kind in Uganda, to metamorphose from private to public.  It was established by the Parliament of Uganda through Statutory Instrument 2015 No. 36 of 16th July 2015, in accordance with The Universities...

2019 Graduation Announcement

The Academic Registrar informs prospective graduands that the 4th Graduation Ceremony of Kabale University (as a Public Institution) is scheduled to take place on Friday, 25th October, 2019, at Kikungiri Campus, Kabale Municipality. The graduands are required to: Clear with all relevant offices not later than 11th October 2019 Pay any outstanding fees balances including a...

Kabale University Research Journal

Kabale University has launched a Journal called Kabale University Research Journal (KURJ). KURJ is a multidisciplinary journal. The journal accepts high quality manuscripts in the disciplines of Medical sciences, Humanities and social sciences, Physical sciences, Biological sciences and Environmental sciences. KURJ is therefore inviting Authors to submit their Manuscripts for consideration of publication. All manuscripts submitted...

Job opportunity – Dean of Students

Kabale University (KAB) is one of the Public Universities of Uganda.  KAB enjoys the unique status of being the first university of its kind in Uganda, to metamorphose from private to public.  It was established by the Parliament of Uganda through Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 16th July 2015, in accordance with The Universities and...