
Employment Opportunities 2019 (Closed)

Kabale University is a Public University pursuant to Statutory Instruments 2015 No 36 of 16th July 2015 under The Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 (as amended) Applications are invited from suitably qualified and interested candidates for the following posts: SERIAL NO. POST SALARY SCALE No. of POSTS   FACULTY OF COMPUTING, LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE     DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE   KAB/2/1/2019 Senior Lecturer-Computer Science...

Speech from the Security Officer in Charge during First Years’ Orientation

Thank you, members of management present, staff members, students, ladies and gentlemen in your respective capacities. Good afternoon. Today is yet another day of joy for us in the History of Kabale University as we welcome you into this great institution of Higher Education in Kigezi Region. Allow me to start by congratulating you upon your admission...

Hon. Manzi Tumubweinee and Prof. Nazarius Asingwire donate books to Kabale University.

The Chairperson of the University Council, Hon. Manzi Tumubweinee and Prof. Nazarius Asingwire have donated academic and non-academic books to Kabale University. This took place at Kabale University, Vice Chancellor’s office on 19th June 2019. Hon. Tumubweinee has written, among other books “Tears of Laughter,” a book containing words of wisdom, short stories and rib cracking...

Private Sponsorship Admission Lists for Academic Year 2019/2020

The Office of the Academic Registrar, Kabale University has released the admission list for Privately sponsored students for the Academic Year 2019/2020. Please see the attachment below for the various categories including applicants admitted through Diploma Entry Scheme and Degree holders and a further breakdown by course. Those whose names are not appearing on the list can...

Semester Two 2018/2019 Examinations

Examinations for Semester Two started on Wednesday 15th May 2019 with the Open Learning (Recess) students and the rest on Friday 17th May 2019 and are expected to run until 2nd June 2019. Unlike the previous years now there is no problem with the sitting space, due to the new Library block which accommodates many students. According...