Student rights, Privileges and Responsibilities.

Student rights, Privileges and Responsibilities.

Code of Ethics of the University
The following set of norms and guidelines are meant to translate the objectives, principles and core values into desirable behavior required at the university in order to make students and others in the university community happy and productive.

These norms and rules shall apply consistent with the laws of Uganda to any student of Kabale University. Therefore, any student who violates them will face reprimand, suspension or dismissal.

Bill of Rights
Kabale University recognizes both the rights and responsibilities of every member of the University community, students, academicians, administrative and support staff. These rights and responsibilities are enshrined in, but not limited to, the University vision, mission, statement of objectives, principles and core values outlined in this Student Manual. It is the responsibility of the Dean of Students to ensure that student rights are upheld. Students signify their willingness to comply with these values and policies by applying for admission into this community.

Conducive Learning Environment
All students of Kabale University have the right to a learning environment that is conducive to the fullest human development. Such an environment must be peaceful, stable, orderly, predictable, calm and without undue distractive sounds and noises. The right to a conducive learning environment entails many additional rights that are explained in more detail throughout this Manual.

Mutual Respectful Behavior
Kabale University students have the right to appropriate, affirming and respectful behavior in their personal interaction with fellow students and other members of the university community. Disrespectful actions, regardless of their shapes and effects, are not tolerated at this university. Disrespectful actions may rise out of overt discrimination and abuse based on racial, ethnic, cultural, other disabilities. High Standards of taste and decency are held in high esteem at Kabale University campus. Therefore, acts of dishonesty and immoral, disorderly, lewd, indecent or obscene behavior as expressed in language, actions or personal appearance or public expression of intimacy violate this right.

Fair and Equal Competition for Academic and Co-Curricular Recognition
Students have the right to compete on a fair and equal level ground for appropriate academic as well as co-curricular recognition. We believe this right to preclude such behaviour as cheating, plagiarism, favouritism and other acts of dishonesty. Anyone who deliberately goes against this principle will be spoiling the good name and reputation of the University built since its foundation, such a student does not deserve to be tolerated and celebrated in this University.

No discrimination based on gender religion, race, ethnicity, age, social economic

Status etc will be adhered to.

Environment that Promotes and Protects Maximum Personal Welfare and Safety
Kabale University students have the right to a conducive environment which promotes and protects maximum personal welfare and safety. While noting that the University encourages students to take time off their hectic and busy schedules and have sufficient rest and exercise, in addition, the students are entitled to a nutritiously balanced wholesome diet. The University also believes this right demands for a drug/alcohol and tobacco free environment. In accordance with this belief, we maintain policies that support this environment. Other behaviour that must be avoided by the students, because they violate this right, include physical, sexual, and emotional assault, harassment and abuse; dangerous and threatening utterances and behavior theft; and obstructing or disrupting lectures, work, social, cultural or religious life of others.

Free Participation in Student Organisations
Students enjoy the right to form, hold membership and seek office in any student organisation that is beneficial to their academic performance and social welfare and are not violating any University rule, objective, or mission.

Freedom of Expression
Students have the right to express themselves, freely air out their opinions, beliefs and experiences without fear of reprisal, so long as they are not violating others’ rights. This right is intended to encourage responsible citizenship, acceptable modes of public expression and the principle of respectful and peaceful disagreement. Intimidating a fellow student, a group of students, or lecturer/instructor because of expressing his/her opinion, is unacceptable and a violation of this right.

Recognition of Disciplinary Measures and Procedures
Students must give due recognition and respect to the University’s approved disciplinary/enforcement measures and procedures. If a student is not satisfied with any decision made by the Student Disciplinary Committee, he/she can appeal to the Vice-Chancellor, in writing. It is important for the aggrieved students to exhaust the laid-out disciplinary enforcement procedures before appealing to forces outside the University.

Both men and women students of Kabale University are implored to dress decently when attending lectures and any other university event or activity. The University does not have a standard form of dress like a uniform. But students are expected to be neat, clean, smart and modest.

Kabale University is a co-educational Institution where mature, single, and married men and women come together to pursue higher education. While the University cannot stop any student from forging a relationship with the opposite sex, such students must demonstrate self-respect and self restrain in matters of affection in public or private at University Campus.

Social Gatherings and Celebrations
Students are free to hold social gatherings or celebrations and small private parties like birthday parties, preferably over the weekends. However, they must adhere to the following rules and regulations:

A formal request in writing should be forwarded to the Warden of the respective hall of residence or the Dean of Students, for use of a facility on Campus for approval at least one week before the event. This is to avoid two or more parties being held at the same venue at the same time.

If the convener of the party is expecting any -Very important Person – like a Government Minister or prominent politician, the Dean of Students/Warden must be consulted first so that they can devise ways and means of how an official of the University could welcome him /her appropriately at the Campus.

The event should conform to the acceptable standards of the University. It must not interfere or inconvenience anyone in and outside the Campus.

The event must not go on beyond 12.00 mid night; otherwise it would be stopped by the security of the University.

The music, dance, and song must be kept low and not distract other students carrying out academic work.

The Student Guild Minister of Culture and Social Affairs may plan periodic social activities which are normally on Saturdays or Sundays. Students are encouraged to attend such social events. The University’s recreational activities are managed by the Games and Sports Department. They have sports equipment which can be borrowed for practices and enjoyment. The University takes an active part in inter-hall and inter-university games and sports competitions and all talented students are encouraged to showcase their gifts. All students going out of the University for any sports activity must get permission from the Sports Tutor or Dean of Students, before.

Only decent and educational videos, films and documentaries are allowed to be screened to any audience of students at the Campus. Pornographic films are prohibited.

Television in Halls of Residence
Every hall of residence has its own rules and regulations which allow the operation of television screening in any building. Students are required to follow such regulations.

Spiritual Life:
Although Kabale University is a secular institution, it encourages freedom of worship. In consultation with the Dean of Students, a defined religious group with a structured leadership can be allocated a room on a specified day and time for holding a religious/faith prayer/worship within an agreed upon time. The said group’s leadership may select among themselves who will lead the prayers/worship or invite anyone from outside the university to be the leader. The conduct of such prayers/worship must not, in any way, contravene the laws of Uganda. The leadership of the said group will be responsible and accountable for any collections and use of moneys during such prayers/worship. The leadership of the said group must also file a report annually before January 31 to the Dean of Students highlighting important activities carried out, including moneys collected and how that were spent.

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