Awareness of security issues

Awareness of security issues

A combination of human and technological security is employed to protect high-value assets in the public and private sectors.

However, in an academic environment like Kabale university if instructional materials, which they also regard as “Assets” are in some way destroyed or damaged as a result of lack of security, the university will suffer a negative and eroding impact on the imparting of knowledge and skills to learners.

Many universities in Uganda have overlooked university security awareness, but Kabale University management prioritized it on the basis of the need to protect the university and its property against internal and external threats.

Kabale University’s security awareness program focuses on ensuring the safety of staff, students, and property at the university.

With the assistance of a team of Uganda Police Force (UPF) security officers with extensive experience in maintaining law and order and protecting life and property led by the officer in charge of Kabale University Police Station, the University management has established policies and practices based on the following principles:

  1. Proportionality
  2. Confidentiality
  3. legality
  4. Accountability
  5. Availability
  6. integrity

Kabale University’s security awareness is based on these principles in order to provide a conducive learning environment for all staff and students.

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