Korean Ambassador visits Kabale University

Korean Ambassador visits Kabale University

H.E Byung Kyoo Ha
H.E Byung Kyoo Ha
(Korean Ambassador to Uganda)

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), His Excellency Byung Kyoo Ha visited Kabale University on 11th February 2020. He was received by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joy C Kwesiga and the University Management at 9:00 am.

He was taken on a tour of Kabale University School of Medicine at Makanga and Faculty of Engineering, Technology, Applied Design and Fine Art at Nyabikoni campus. The Engineering students who demonstrated some of their work. At the school of medicine, the Ambassador met the Dean and staff, toured the teaching facilities and looked into wards where students practice from as well as the neonatal clinic. He then met briefly with the Director of Kabale Regional Hospital.

After the tours, he met with the University Management including the Deans and Directors of Faculties and Institutes. The Vice-Chancellor gave a formal brief on the University and pointed out some of the areas of possible partnership which include ; Research, Teaching, Scholarships and infrastructural development.

The Ambassador promised to connect Kabale University to the Korean government agencies that are responsible for such partnerships.

After this meeting, the Ambassador made a very inspirational presentation to a large number of students on how to be innovative and successful, which is the way the Koreans followed in moving from a third world to nearly a first world country. The attitudes he emphasized included; Punctuality, for time is money, more work and less talk, thrift or fostering the habit of saving, self for no one you anything and change of mindset

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