Kabale University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences recognize Research Scholars
Teaching, Research and Publications, Community service remains a mandate of higher learning Institutions in Uganda. Kabale University is working hard to implement that mandate . The KAB strategic plan 2015/16-2020/21 pillar number 5, targets research publication and dissemination as a key priority area. In this direction,the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has evolved strategies to promote and upscale research and publications . The Faculty has so far registered a number of achievements, we note that thirteen (13) articles have so far been published in refereed academic journals, during the 2018/19 academic year. Further more the Faculty has put in place institutional arrangements to promote and sustain the research culture.

On the 31/01/2019, Faculty Arts and Social Sciences organized a general staff meeting during which; the Academic Staff who have published a number of research papers in different refereed journals were recognized and appreciated for their contribution towards achieving KAB strategic goals. The Staff members Recognized are Dr. Eton Marus, Dr, Kinyata Stanley, Ms. Caroline Matsiko, Prof. Kaaya Siraje and Prof. Natal Ayiga.
In his statement, the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences appreciated the team work that is existing in the Faculty. He thanked and congratulated those who have taken the lead in publishing. He expressed commitment of the Faculty to meet the targets set by Kabale University in research.
The DVC Academic Affairs, Prof. Ezra Mishambi, in his remarks, emphasized the importance of Academic Research and Publications in the University. He noted that Publications are part of academic growth are essential in Staff promotions. He thanked the Faculty of this achievement and called the staff to emulate them.
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Congratulations Dr. Eton and your colleagues.