Kabale University crafts partnership with The Adventist University of Goma

Kabale University (KAB) on Tuesday 6th September played host to a delegation from the Adventist University of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The delegation from Congo was headed by the two Deputy Vice Chancellors; Mr Elias Semajeri the DVC AA and Mr Munyandekwe Jehovanis the DVC for Finance).
They held a meeting with members of Kabale University Management and discussed many other possible areas of collaboration between the two institutions. The Kabale University Management was very positive that this partnership shall be able to open up many other avenues for growth for the students and staff.
Mr. Elias Semajeri, the Adventist University of Goma Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs was optimistic that the partnership would enhance staff capacity and research abilities. This among others involves research seminars and symposiums as well as an exchange program between the two Universities for both the students and the staff.
The cooperation of the Universities would lead to the establishment of good relations and cooperation for promoting mutual understanding and potential academic, cultural and staff exchange.
Among the several issues discussed in this closed-door meeting was the possibility of a return visit by the KAB team to the Adventist University of Goma as well as the set-up of a study centre at the Uganda – DRC border. It is from the proposed study centre that classes shall be conducted – a convenient location for both the students and instructors. The idea was proposed to reduce the distance to be travelled by involved parties.
According to Mr. Munyandekwe Jehovani the partnership shall benefit both Universities more especially the Adventist University of Goma since lecturers from KAB will support the capacity building of their teaching staff, especially in the acquisition of higher degrees.
Prof. Joy C. Kwesiga, the KAB Vice Chancellor was ecstatic about the proposed partnership. She said, “This is an opportunity for new areas of collaboration and I believe that it shall break various barriers, especially the language and the colonial barriers in terms of demarcation of the countries in the central region.”
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