Stay away from corruption; there is always a price to pay!

Mrs. Anne Muhairwe Twinomugisha, the deputy inspector general (IGG), has pleaded with KAB employees to shun corruption and lead honest lives. She urged them to take responsibility for their acts because one reaps what one sows.
She observed that nature has a way of punishing individuals who swindle money at the expense of citizens citing examples from the confessions made by people in her office.
“Uganda is our nation; Uganda belongs to us all. As a result, each of us needs to be worried about corruption and poor management in our community”, she stated.
She reminded the staff that they should always be leaders in the fight against corruption because they have a significant influence on students’ lives as highly regarded members of society.
She also warned them that they would soon be leaving their positions, so they needed to take responsibility for whatever they did. She also said that they were all required to strictly uphold the law as public officials.

According to Ms. Muhairwe, corruption is still a problem in Uganda, which is ranked 141st out of 180 nations. She pointed out that while corrupt individuals are few in Uganda, they are incredibly strong, well-connected, and syndicated. She added that greed, which drives individuals to desire more than they can pay for, is a key contributor to corruption. However, she notes that there are still good people who expose the corrupt and they are intolerant of corruption.
Ms. Muhairwe’s one-day visit to KAB was intended to respond to complaints that were sent to her office and establish whether or not they were accurate. She was also accompanied by Mr. Sam Agaba who heads the Inspector General of Government’s office for the Kigezi sub-region.
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