Students cautioned against involving in early relationships

Students cautioned against involving in early relationships

Mrs. Bwengye Katabaazi Anny, the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration at Kabale University, advised female students to be cautious about their relationships and prioritize their education.

During her speech at the Women’s Day celebrations organized by the Guild Council Leaders on March 8th, 2024, Mrs. Katabaazi highlighted the potential for students to transform their lives through education.

However, she expressed concern that some students may become complacent or lose focus once they enter university. She advised female students not to engage in casual relationships or be influenced by individuals who may not have their best interests at heart.

Dr. Isabella Epiu, the representative from the Kabale University School of Medicine, emphasized the importance of hard work and focus for female students. She encouraged them to have role models in their lives and maintain a determined mindset to achieve their goals.

She guided students towards academic success and personal growth, highlighting the importance of prioritizing education and making wise choices in relationships.

International Women’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

This year’s women’s day national celebrations were held in Katakwi district under the theme, “INVEST IN WOMEN ACCELERATE PROGRESS.”

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